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The complete nadi leaf reading chapter of the individual contains roughly all the following contents:


第一章:找到自己纳迪叶前需要自己亲自确认的基本信息:包括个人名字、出生年月、职业信息、个人其它隐私信息、父母的名字及辅助信息、妻子/丈夫的基本信息和辅助信息、兄弟姐妹及孩子的辅助信息等等。这是解读当天确定找到自己纳迪叶前,首先需要自己亲自确认的信息、所有信息必须100%正确才可以找到属于自己的纳迪叶,所有信息都以提问的方式进行,寻叶者以回答“Yes"或者“No”完成回答,或用”是”或者“不是”回答提问,中间不需要其它方式回答。这也是千万年前圣哲们为了人类更好的生活而刻写在棕榈叶上的神圣描述的开始。【Basic information that nadi leaf to be confirmed by yourself before finding nadiye: including personal name, date of birth, occupation information, other personal privacy information, parents' name and auxiliary information, basic information and auxiliary information of wife / husband, auxiliary information of brothers, sisters and children, etc. This is the information that nadi leaf to be confirmed by yourself before finding your nadi leaf on the day of interpretation. All information must be 100% correct before you can find your Nadiya. All information is carried out in the form of questions, Leaf seekers complete the answer by answering "yes" or "no", or answer questions with "yes" or "no", and there is no need to answer in other ways. This is also the beginning of the sacred description engraved on palm leaves by sages for a better life of mankind thousands of years ago.】

第二章:教育情况、财富情况、家庭基本生活情况、视力、口才、出生日、幸运数字、幸运石、幸运方位、幸运日期、幸运颜色、守护神等解读信息。【Education, wealth, basic family life, vision, eloquence, birth date, lucky number, lucky stone, lucky location, lucky date, lucky color, patron saint and other interpretation information.】

第三章:与兄弟姐妹和朋友的关系,以及他们对你的有利之处,他们的性格及他们对你的行为如何。【The relationship with brothers, sisters and friends, what they are good for you, their character and how they behave towards you.】

第四章:关于母亲的信息,祖先的业力行为,现居住的家,房产,地产,交通工具,生活是否满足等。【Information about mother, ancestral karmic behavior, current home, real estate, real estate, means of transportation, whether life is satisfied, etc.】

第五章:子女的出生及其带来的幸运,或由于前世业力带来的不育,以及为此而进行的化解仪式。【The birth of a child and the luck it brings, or infertility due to karma in a previous life, and the dissolution ceremony for this purpose.】

第六章:负债,法律纠纷,小人之祸,寻叶者的问题解决方案,如何运用正确的方式和方法克服这些问题。【Debt, legal disputes, villain's disaster, the solution to the problem of leaf seekers, and how to use the correct ways and methods to overcome these problems.】

第七章:结婚时间、秘密恋情、结婚延迟的原因,未来配偶的信息和基本特征(名字信息,身体特质,职业,宗教,住所的方向以及距离,未来夫妻生活描述)。【Marriage time, secret relationship, reasons for marriage delay, information and basic characteristics of future spouse (name information, physical characteristics, occupation, religion, direction and distance of residence, description of future husband and wife life).】

第八章:寿命,可能出现的疾病及健康状况,可能出现的意外或危险,离世年龄、日期和时间的基本信息,所属星像,第一宫(上升)和地点。【Life span, possible diseases and health conditions, possible accidents or dangers, basic information of age, date and time of death, star image, first house (rising) and location.】

第九章:父亲的信息,祖先财富以及对你的影响,有关财富,幸运,朝圣,与开悟者或得道高人的相遇。【Father's information, ancestral wealth and influence on you, about wealth, luck, pilgrimage, meeting with enlightened or enlightened people.】

第十章:关于职业或事业的预测,职业或生意的变更情况,职业或生意的起伏情况。【Prediction of occupation or career, change of occupation or business, fluctuation of occupation or business.】

第十一章:如果有第二段婚姻,与之相关的相处关系或其他事件。【If there is a second marriage, the relationship or other events related to it.】

第十二章:如何度过一生,若有下一世,带来下一世的业力情况及下一世的状况,是否得以解脱。【How to spend one's life? If there is the next life, whether the karma of the next life and the situation of the next life can be liberated.】

第十三章:对自己这一世印象最重要的前世所造的恶果,因往世因果业力累加到这一世,给予可以补救的措施,在此世如何修行,做怎样的朝拜及事情得以减轻恶业。以此如何移除这一世所带来的困境。【The most important impression of one's own life is the evil consequences caused by the previous life. Due to the accumulation of causal karma in the past life, remedial measures are given. How to practice, worship and do things in this life can reduce the evil karma. How to remove the difficulties brought by this life.】

第十四章:针对你适合持的神圣咒语,只属于自己的神圣物品及普甲仪式,通过神职人员加持帮助你更好的度过因前世业力,天灾人祸,行星运转及身边小人和其它负能量的影响,可以用来克服敌人、麻烦、黑魔法、嫉妒竞争等负面行为。【For the Holy spell that you are suitable to hold, only your own holy items and common armor ceremony, the blessing of clergy can help you better get through the influence of previous life karma, natural and man-made disasters, planet operation, villains and other negative energy around you. It can be used to overcome negative behaviors such as enemies, trouble, dark magic, jealousy and competition.】

第十五章 :  与你健康有关的食物, 饮食习惯,有奇效的慢性疾病药物,长期或短期需要注意的对身体有关系的事项及需要食用的独特食物或特效药品。【Foods related to your health, eating habits, miraculous drugs for chronic diseases, matters related to your body that need to be paid attention to in the long or short term, and unique foods or special drugs that need to be eaten.】

第十六章:星象运行周期对个人运势盛衰期的影响,通过某个星座,宫位,组合或方位,同时包括主要周期与子周期的关系解读对自己的影响。【The influence of astrological operation cycle on the rise and fall of personal fortune is interpreted through a constellation, house position, combination or orientation, including the relationship between main cycle and sub cycle.】

第十七章:与灵性生活相关,为个人指明道路,给予正确修行方向,让自己踏上一条通往智慧的正途。【It is related to spiritual life, pointing out the way for individuals, giving them the correct direction of practice, and setting themselves on the right path to wisdom.】

第十八章 : 灵性的发展,会解释你此生为何而来,你的灵魂今生还有什么使命要去完成,以及你的守护神是谁?并且会给予你什么样的祝福。【Spiritual development will explain why you come in this life, what mission your soul has to complete in this life, and who is your patron saint? And what kind of blessing will be given to you.】

第十九章 : 现存的问题,被允许提问5个重要问题,或对于某个问题给予更加详细的解读,例如:诉讼,开业,结婚,贷款等。【For the existing problems, it is allowed to ask five important questions or give a more detailed interpretation of a certain problem, such as litigation, business opening, marriage, loan, etc.】
第二十章:揭示解读纳迪叶后,下一年将要发生的事件,你所不知道但却被宇宙提前安排好了的计划及政治官运信息。【Reveal the events that will happen nadi leaf after reading Nadiya, the plans and political official information that you don't know but arranged by the universe in advance.】

♥ 圣哲祝福章节:圣哲单独刻写对个人的人生祝福,有此篇章的有缘人,代表圣哲们特殊给予你祝福,解读师看到有记载这样的纳迪叶信息,会站起来双手合十给你行礼,并将属于你的纳迪叶赠送与你,让你拥有属于你的一捆纳迪叶。(依纳迪叶有无刻写圣哲祝福为由,不一定每个人都有祝福篇,依据传承解读师告知,全球7亿人中仅有一人佣有,也就是七亿分之一人才有次机缘拥有圣哲们刻写的祝福篇,大约全球只有7个人才会拥有祝福篇!)【Sages individually write their blessings for personal life. The predestined persons in this chapter give you special blessings on behalf of sages. When the interpreter sees such Nadiya information recorded, he will stand up and salute you with his hands folded, and give you your Nadiya, so that you can have a bundle of Nadiya. (for the reason of whether nadi leaf wrote the blessings of sages or not, not everyone may have blessings. According to the inheritance interpreter, only one servant in 700 million people in the world, that is, one in 700 million people, had the chance to have the blessings written by sages, and only about seven people in the world would have blessings!)】





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Personal integrity nardi leaf reading content is roughly contains all of the following chapters:


第一篇:基本信息。包括姓名,父母的姓名,职业信息,兄弟姐妹及孩子的信息,妻子/丈夫的基本预测。这是首先会提供的篇章,这是进入几千年前圣贤和圣哲为了人更好的生活而记载在棕榈叶上的神圣描述的开始。【Basic information. Including names, parents 'names, career information, information about siblings and children, and basic predictions for wife/husband. This is the first chapter that will be provided, the beginning of the sacred description of the sages and sages of thousands of years ago on the palm leaf for the sake of a better life】

第二章:教育情况、拥有的财富、家庭生活、视力、口才、幸运数字、石头、日期、颜色。【Education, wealth, family life, vision, eloquence, lucky numbers, stones, dates, colors】

第三章:血亲,兄弟姐妹,以及他们对你的有利之处,他们的性格,他们对你的行为如何。【Blood relatives, brothers and sisters, and what they do for you, what they do for you, what they do for you.】

第四章:关于母亲的信息,祖先的业力行为,居住的家,房产,地产,交通工具,生活的满足。【Information about the mother, the Karma of the ancestors, the home, the property, the real estate, the means of transportation, the satisfaction of life】

第五章:子女的出生及其带来的幸运,由于前世业力带来的不育,及为此而进行的化解仪式。【The birth of a child and the Fortune it brings, the infertility caused by past Karma, and the dissolution ceremony performed for it】

第六章:负债,法律纠纷,来自挑战者的问题解决方案,运用正确的方式克服这些问题。【Liabilities, legal disputes, problem solving from the challenger, overcoming these problems in the right way】

第七篇:结婚时间、秘密恋情、结婚延迟的原因,未来配偶的细节,身体特质,职业,宗教,住所的方向以及距离,未来夫妻生活描述。【Time of marriage, secret relationships, reasons for the delay in marriage, details of the prospective spouse, physical characteristics, occupation, religion, direction and distance of residence, description of future marital life】

第八章:寿命,可能出现的意外或危险,死亡细节-年龄、日期和时间,行星,第一宫(上升)和地点。【Life span, possible accidents or dangers, death details-age, date and time, planets, first house(ascent) and location】

第九篇:父亲的信息,祖先财富,以及对你的影响,有关财富,幸运,朝圣,与开悟者或苦行憎的相遇。【Father's information, ancestral wealth, and influence on you, about wealth, luck, pilgrimage, encounters with the enlightened or ascetic.】

第十篇:关于职业或事业的预测,职业或生意的变更,职业或生意的起伏。【Projections of occupation or career, changes in occupation or business, fluctuations in occupation or business】

第十一篇:如果有第二段婚姻,与之相关的好处或其他事件。【If there is a second marriage, the benefits associated with it or other events】

第十二篇:如何花销,花费,带来下一世的业力,是否得以解脱。【How to spend, spend, bring the Karma of the next life, is it released?】

第十三章:对自己最重要的前世所造的恶业,因往昔恶业累加到这世,可以补救的措施,以此如何移除这一生所带来的困难。【How can we remove the difficulties of this life by adding to this life the evils of one's most important past】

第十四章:针对你适合持的神圣咒语,神圣物品可以用来克服敌人、麻烦、主要行星负面影响、黑魔法、嫉妒竞争。【Sacred objects can be used to overcome enemies, troubles, the negative effects of major planets, black magic, and jealous competition against the divine spells you are fit to hold】

第十五章 :  与健康有关, 长期和慢性疾病的药物。【Medicines for health-related, chronic and chronic diseases】

第十六章:星象运行周期对个人运势盛衰期的影响,通过月亮星座(Rasi),宫位(Bhava),组合(Yogas or Raja Yogas)或方位(Drishti),同时包括主要周期与子周期。【The effect of the star cycle on the personal potential life, through Rasi, Bhava, Yogas or Drishti, including the main cycle and sub-cycle】

第十七章:与灵性生活相关,会为个人指明道路,能够踏上一条通往智慧的正途。【Associated with spiritual life, it will point the way for individuals to embark on a path to wisdom】

第十八章 : 灵性的发展,会解释你此生为何而来,你的灵魂今生还有什么使命要去完成,以及你的守护神是谁?并且会给予你什么样的祝福。【The development of spirituality will explain why you came in this life, what mission your soul has in this life to complete, and who is your patron saint? And what kind of blessing will it give you?】

第十九章 : 现存的问题,被允许提问5个问题,需要问及具体的日期和时间,例如:诉讼,开业,结婚,贷款等。【Existing questions, allowed to ask five questions, need to ask a specific date and time, such as: litigation, business, marriage, loans, etc..】
第二十章:预测下一年将要发生的事件。你所不知道但却被宇宙安排好了的计划。【Forecast events for the next year. What you don't know is planned by the universe.】

独立祝福章节:圣哲对每个人人生祝福。(依个人状态时间点,不一定每个人当下都有祝福篇章)【The sage blesses everyone in life. Depending on your state of time, not everyone has a blessing chapter right now】

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